

Website Design | Medical Meetings Organization

This website was designed for our client, BroadWater, who organizes, markets and runs medical meetings, mostly within the neurosurgery/orthopedic sector. It is powerful website that is rich with features and loaded with content. That is a wonderful thing, but also can present an organizational challenge. We balanced the desire to show the plentiful content with white space and design elements to help guide the viewer to their desired content—and not overwhelm them.

The first area is dedicated to a carousel feature that allows us to highlight their upcoming medical meetings. We’ve provided CTAs to allow users to register right from that panel, or to “read more” information. Below this area, we have divided their main content offerings into three rows: Meetings & Webinars; Meeting Highlights and Spine Bytes. Each of these shows the three latest items, which can be accessed with a click. If the viewer was seeking a meeting or video that isn’t showing on the homepage, there are buttons to browse all of the content from a category, like “Meetings.”

The Meetings section provides a listing page, which displays all the upcoming meetings. They are automatically removed when a meeting has passed. The detailed meeting page provides all of the content about a meeting. It has a “quick links” area for those who want to take a specific action, and don’t want to have to read through text to do so. There are links to register for the meeting, view the brochure, and much more. The design includes photos to break up the text and help usher the viewer down the page.

In addition to the website itself, we have also designed the great majority of the meetings’ marketing materials, such as the brochures that are shown within the site, social media banners, enews marketing templates and more. We have been working with BroadWater for more than 17 years, and we have come to know the industry well.

We have created a system that will take the meeting attendees’ information and allow them to apply for their CME credit right on the website. They first need to access a password-protected, meeting-specific page. After they fill out their evaluation, they are able to access the PDF of their customized CME certificate of credit.

Other sections on the site include meeting videos, news, sign-up forms and a section called Spine Bytes. For this educational area, we have created a password-protected section that houses videos. If a viewer goes to the first page, they will be able to watch 30 seconds of the first video. After that, they are prompted to sign in or register. For Spine Bytes, we also created its logo and identity and produced the videos.

The site also features areas where the client may offer ad space and Technology Updates. These are areas where companies may post videos about new technologies they have developed.

Of course, the site is responsive, to allow for easy browsing on smart phones. This website has much more to offer, and it built to be able to grow as new features and content are added. It’s easy to update, as well, since fresh content is so essential for general interest, and SEO


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